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11.03.2025 3:16 am   who won the civil war ?

  let's be real. who didn't

10.03.2025 3:24 am   do you have hope for denver?


09.03.2025 1:28 pm   when we meet on a cloud we’ll be laughing out loud?

  was there a specific cloud you had in mind

09.03.2025 9:08 am   why do "yes" and "no" sound so similar

  they sound pretty different to me

05.03.2025 2:00 pm   how to unarrest development?

  start developing. hire a good lawyer

04.03.2025 8:50 pm   have you ever carried a dozen bricks down a brick road, through a brick door, and into a brick house?

  no i have not

04.03.2025 9:04 am   if the black-and-blue/white-and-gold dress anomaly spread to other things (laurel/yanny notwithstanding), eventually splitting reality in half, would world war 3 have started in the 2010s?


24.02.2025 11:00 am   Why is there nightlight but no daydarkness?

  it's dark when i close my eyes

28.02.2025 10:03 am   If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? Nevermind, don't answer that. Do you like potatoes?


23.02.2025 5:17 pm   do you feel like you're making longer videos? ones that last a really long time? do you feel like you're making stronger videos? online? on vine?

  i feel like vine is out of the question

20.02.2025 8:58 am   Is your car safe from supermaneuverable air-defense fighter aircraft?

  i don't have a car, i have a supermaneuverable air-defense fighter aircraft

17.02.2025 3:14 pm   have you ever been betrayed, abandoned, or otherwise made an incoherent fool out of?

  i do all this recreationally

17.02.2025 11:03 am   what's the most influential movie that doesn't exist?

  your funeral: the movie

16.02.2025 12:28 pm   what's the real difference between the Internet and older forms of communication like the television, the printing press, the telephone, and the megaphone?

  the concept

15.02.2025 2:25 pm   do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind?


14.02.2025 2:28 pm   12.02.2025 8:04 pm do you get turned on by the news?

  other way around

14.02.2025 7:00 pm   What would you never, ever lie about for as long as you live?

  this exact question

13.02.2025 2:09 pm   did you know that a good percentage of rabbits are in hats? ??%, to be exact!

  i've heard they make up those statistics

12.02.2025 8:04 pm   do you ever get fooled by the news?

  i make the news

09.02.2025 5:58 pm   if the world doesn't end, is it ready to begin?

  already did

07.02.2025 9:29 am   is that you on the stage?

  i prefer to be behind the stage

06.02.2025 5:47 pm   do you listen to soft music?

  i listen to Everything

06.02.2025 8:09 am   If you're waiting for a waiter to deliver your food, aren't you the real waiter?

  i'm trying to figure out what you become once you get the food

05.02.2025 9:30 am   what's the difference between deconstruction and deterritorialization?

  the meaning and maybe the spelling

04.02.2025 7:40 pm   where has the fun gone

  it never left

04.02.2025 1:29 pm   do you like to wear soft clothing?

  not usually

03.02.2025 6:16 pm   thoughts on bracing for impact?

  perfect for action scenes

02.02.2025 9:38 pm   do you believe sleep is a time machine?

  i think it's all about perspective

02.02.2025 9:19 pm   does the frownage continue? :( :( :( :( :(

  would it not be poetic if i deleted this question

02.02.2025 7:27 pm   how often do you decline questions?

  not very often

28.01.2025 6:49 am   he's a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody. doesn't have a point of view, knows not where he's going to…

  i'm sorry to hear that

26.01.2025 4:11 pm   why orange?

  it's cool to look at

20.01.2025 10:38 am   what is the meaning of technology?

  ease i suppose

16.01.2025 9:03 am   is it true that in order for something perfect to survive in this world, it must move ever farther away from perfection?

  no. wait, define perfect

10.01.2025 2:53 pm   how much wood could a chuck

  is the person named "a?" nevermind, i don't know

09.01.2025 1:16 am   the frownage has begun :( :( :( :( :(

  i accept that

07.01.2025 3:52 pm   why is your instagram in the secrets section

  i don't find it particularly important

07.01.2025 10:30 am   do you understand me

  i'm with you so far

07.01.2025 10:25 am   Which came first, power or violence?

  depends on whether or not somebody was first violently powerful

06.01.2025 7:59 pm   what even is forgiveness?

  scientists are investigating as we speak

28.12.2024 9:46 am   yes or no

23.12.2024 9:39 pm   Which name is punnier, Azure Bleugon or Pete Stepperone?

  how about both, perhaps concatenated

06.12.2024 6:56 am   why are living things symmetrical?

  so they are easier to draw

03.12.2024 11:54 am   i wonder where i'll float next?

  back home

30.11.2024 11:53 am   why does everybody seem to be incorrect about who i am?

  perhaps they haven't met you, or you've lied about yourself, or somebody has lied about you to them, or they have misheard something you said about yourself, or they have made an incorrect assumption,

27.11.2024 9:09 pm   Would you rather be stuck on a desert island with 100 hinges or 100 prongs?

  i'd leave them all at home

23.11.2024 1:07 pm   Hinges or Prongs?

19.11.2024 7:00 pm   is love from a person who otherwise hates everyone and everything worth more than love from an empath who naturally has a big heart full of loving-kindness?

  i'm just wondering if there's somebody who hates everyone and everything more than the first person you mention here

12.11.2024 7:49 pm   my apologize if i'm not explaining my question i can explain much more in depth once you response, but how do you make the text appear (like typing or each word appearing one by one that goes through the song or video) on blender? i've been trying to figure that out but all the tutorials i came through is completely useless or take too long. is there a way where you can make the text appear? thanks

  the way i do it and will probably keep doing it is archaic and there are better ways now

02.11.2024 5:17 pm   what makes jacob collier’s music… magi-ck?

  because it has done its job

31.10.2024 5:05 am   Letter C has folks singing it should be removed, that without it the alphabet would be improved. It's a common complaint that's misguided at best, no you can't just replace C with K and with S.

  stop using it. perhaps in time everybody else will katsh on

28.10.2024 3:50 am   are you still waiting in the oceanside park?

  i actually made it up, for show

27.10.2024 6:50 pm   bacteria or archaea?

  i'm not sure i understand the question

21.10.2024 11:49 am   just by listening to the song, can you understand the words to "EEEAAAOOO"?

  i understand the feelings

15.10.2024 9:42 am   Times New Roman, but which times,

  this one

  and where is New Rome?

  41°0′50″N 28°57′20″E

12.10.2024 5:47 pm   thoughts on polyrhythms?

  great to use, especially if you like telling people you have used polyrhythms

10.10.2024 2:03 pm   hi


10.10.2024 10:26 am   Complete the sequence according to the pattern:

breakfast, bruncheon, luncheon, nuncheon, dinner, ______, breakfast


05.10.2024 3:44 pm   thoughts on the band sungazer?

  i'm just wondering what they do when the sun is down

01.10.2024 11:23 pm   do you think spelling bees should be renamed to orthography bees?

  i think the inclusion of the word "bee" is disingenuous. there are no bees at any stage of the task

01.10.2024 6:45 pm   secret/words?

  instant resistance from the water of the lake. i expected this when i bought tickets to the kitchen sink swimming day

30.09.2024 6:22 pm   is "that's how you do it" gonna get a full version?

  it already did. i'm not sure what you mean by full version

24.09.2024 8:56 am   is it not easy being cheesy?

  not enough cheese

20.09.2024 9:33 am   Is authenticity artificial?

  my opinion is unfortunately organic, and as such is not authentic

13.09.2024 9:27 pm   how do you do it?! TELL ME HOW YOU DO IT

  there will be a tutorial, with diagrams

11.09.2024 7:38 pm   Who do you think won the debate

  i think the stage blew it out of the water

11.09.2024 6:01 am   Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?

  in that case i'm not sure what defines the present

06.09.2024 8:52 am   where can i find the secrety secret page?

  there are instructions on the front page

06.09.2024 8:54 am   Why are there no
or ?

  perhaps they are ignored questions or were asked for testing purposes

28.08.2024 6:45 pm   What If It Rained Milk?

  ah, i learned this one at milk school

06.02.2024 5:32 pm   face reveal?

  i already did

18.08.2024 1:14 pm   Why did the cereal cross the soup?

  to reach the milk

27.08.2024 3:44 pm   can you post some audio?


17.08.2024 2:06 am   bill wurtz or owl city?


17.08.2024 1:22 am   who is Brielle??? what is Brielle???

  an ocean town

13.08.2024 1:24 am   is "oceanside park" gonna get a music video?

  no, but i hope to start doing them at some point. the next video will have music in it

13.08.2024 2:39 am   Wait, if love is an action, then is unrequited love an oxymoron?

  depends on the weather

03.08.2024 5:15 pm   Should we, as a society, collectively remove dialogue from movies, bringing about the return of the silent era of cinema?

  silent films were never silent. they had simply failed to invent the unmute button

01.08.2024 1:30 am   Never gonna…
- [ ] give you up
- [ ] let you down
- [ ] run around
- [ ] desert you
- [ ] make you cry
- [ ] say goodbye
- [ ] tell a lie
- [ ] get it not this time never ever gonna get it my lovin'

  all of the below

28.07.2024 8:46 pm   would now be a good time to go for a swim at the beach?

  any time is a good time. actually try a time different to any time for maximum goodness

28.07.2024 4:24 am   What is NOT the answer to this question?

  i could think of a few promising candidates of things that are not answers

27.07.2024 7:15 pm   so, it's a park by the side of the ocean?

  what is? nevermind, yes

27.07.2024 2:54 pm   how many letters long is the title of your next song (excluding spaces)

  the name of the song is somewhere on the website right now

26.07.2024 2:04 pm   help me make a decision. should i brush my teeth with my right hand or my left hand? <sub>or a toothbrush</sub>

  install pre-brushed teeth

30.05.2024 2:19 pm   what are the first and last words of the next song?

  "it's" and "you"

24.07.2024 11:00 am   How do I draw a _freehand_ perfect circle?

  find a perfect circle, draw everything else around it

23.07.2024 1:29 am   I will set myself on fire for you

  that's great to hear

22.07.2024 11:34 am   Why you afraid of orchards?

  i am not

  Is one or two fruit trees okay? What is the quantifiable amount of fruit trees in a grouped setting, before the phobia sets in for you?

21.07.2024 2:27 pm   can you gimme me a sneak peek of the next song?

  if i gave one to you then i'd have to give one to everybody, which i will, but the quirk is that it will be a sneak peek of the entire song

07.07.2024 4:29 pm   what's the first letter of the name of the next song

  it's O

26.05.2024 5:49 pm   where's the bathroom?

  probably inside the bathhouse

19.05.2024 11:23 pm   what does the sign say in the youtube post?

  beams on wall

  is it a clue?

  for what? nevermind, no

13.05.2024 6:12 pm   how do you do it?

  there will be a tutorial, with diagrams

09.05.2024 10:42 pm   is starshow.mp4 a teaser for an upcoming song of yours?

  no, i made that to test something but i can't remember what

29.04.2024 5:22 pm   how many punctuation marks can i put at the end of my sentence before people start getting pissed off at me??!.,,?,.‽—!..¿…?;?¡

  as many as you want as long as they know you're testing the waters

27.04.2024 3:03 pm   Is the floor really lava?

  you'll have to test it. needless to say the presence of lava will be hard to miss

23.04.2024 10:17 am   What's the opposite of an atom?


21.04.2024 10:50 pm   can you give me a list of things you're working on right now?

- i can't tell you (orchard phobia)
\ - more specifically, writing and vox
- i can't tell you (sigmarune)
- a video
- a video
- a video

  what about a preview? you haven't posted a preview in a while

  i actually have

  will luna amulet and dog park/tabby is awake be coming out soon?

  how in the world do you know about those? i don't know

  will there be an album


15.04.2024 3:54 pm   What isn't Copper?

  let me check..

08.04.2024 3:08 pm   How and why is our universe infinite and finite at the same time?


10.04.2024 2:39 pm   God is dead and we have killed him. But how?

  with kindness

06.04.2024 2:07 pm   is the next orchard phobia song that's going to be released about "observing the reflection of the sunlight off the lunar surface refract within the crystalline structure of an amulet shaped like a crescent moon i have placed upon the east wall of my bedroom"?

  i have no idea

02.04.2024 11:46 pm   containment 2.0 is around the corner???

  i have no idea

05.04.2024 3:42 pm   If you purchase a work of conceptual art, does that technically mean you're buying an idea?

  it might not work as an idea, and you'd probably have had the idea before you purchased the art anyway

02.04.2024 9:42 pm   <span style="position:relative;">

what's the <span style="text-decoration: line-through aquamarine 0.2rem;">worst insult</span><span style="color: aquamarine; position:absolute; top:-0.9rem; left:7.1rem; transform:rotate(-1deg); font-size:0.95rem">best compliment</span> one can receive?


  hello, etc

01.04.2024 9:51 pm   what's the worst insult one can receive?

  time could be better spent evaluating something else

30.03.2024 10:43 am   what's your favorite chord progesssion?

  whatever this is

19.03.2024 1:53 am   the music that plays in the "port content" video is...?

☐ made specifically for the video
☐ the orchard phobia theme song
☐ an upcoming orchard phobia song that will be released

tick all that apply

  it is a variant of a song i have not posted yet

14.03.2024 9:45 pm   can i have the full song from 11.03.24 on the words page?

  nah, it's locked away forever

14.03.2024 4:45 pm   Why haven't I solved the mystery of life?

  the same reason you haven't solved 0÷0

25.02.2024 4:00 am   what is the average color on this webpage? as in, if you add up all the colors, and divide them by the number of colors, which color is that?

  probably green

24.02.2024 8:19 am   what's the difference between love and lust?

  the meaning

16.02.2024 4:52 pm   what did the bartender say to the floor?

  something about dogs, on porches, probably

13.02.2024 4:15 pm   Are pressed pennies technically NFTs?

  sure, as much as they are art

11.02.2024 10:21 pm   tell me a joke

  ok, what did the bartender say to the floor

06.02.2024 5:32 pm   face reveal?

  i already did

04.02.2024 4:02 pm   Is one as in as one does a person?


30.01.2024 2:24 pm   do you filter html tags?


  if yes, if i were to include tags would you add them?

  it depends on the weather

29.01.2024 4:19 pm   Somebody stole my bike :(

  i'll make some calls

28.01.2024 7:53 pm   where do you live

  in the mountains

28.01.2024 3:17 am   which one of the 18 songs has the highest chance/percentage of completion?

  what one of these are you asking

27.01.2024 3:19 am   hey man, your Words ( were so inspiring and moving, and i want to learn to write like you do. could you explain in detail how you do those words? thanks.

  even if we had an hour and a park bench i probably couldn't tell you. i'm just trying to complete a puzzle

20.01.2024 8:14 pm   oh man i dropped my cupcake

  there are more on the table

19.01.2024 10:52 pm   what Are you working on apart from songs?

  a blog page. actually now that you mention it i am going to make it live tonight

18.01.2024 12:59 am   do you hope that one of your songs ever makes it into a rhythm game


  like ddr or taiko?

  i don't know what those are

17.01.2024 10:46 am   who are you listening to at the moment

  john powell, port blue, breanne duren, the japanese house, aphex twin, aisha duo, michelle branch, lights, adam young,

13.01.2024 5:17 am   WHat do you eat for breakfast


16.01.2024 3:29 pm   What is the picture you posted on yt from?

  a video

15.01.2024 5:46 pm   yippee!!!

  sure, thanks for asking

12.01.2024 3:07 am   thoughts on being in public spaces? (such as shopping malls)


10.01.2024 5:09 am   31.12.2023 4:43 pm can you post one of the 18 songs?


  at least a snippet


11.01.2024 2:26 pm   i thought you were a girl


08.01.2024 4:37 pm   why did you delete the other pages

  i didn't. click the &. actually i added a new page

31.12.2023 4:43 pm   what are you working on now?

  18 songs at once. eventually i will write and record the rest and release them one by one while i work on other stuff. there may be a video soon, depending on how much i'm doing

27.06.2023 8:18 pm   Are the orchard phobia songs sung by the cubes?


20.08.2023 10:01 pm   How do you make the stickman guys videos? (Wich programms?)

  logic and reason

18.12.2023 4:20 pm   if you are talking with someone, what's the worst thing to say?

  trade secrets

12.12.2023 6:29 pm   should I be concerned about the lamp machine tour?

  no, it's actually fiction

15.12.2023 5:55 pm   would you post something youre working on even if its just a bit


08.12.2023 3:57 am   ever wanted to know what your videos sound like with weird effects? for some reason this guy is taking your videos and adding random effects on them.

  thanks, but i can't do anything about this

05.12.2023 11:22 pm   So yep i visit to yes yes restaurant and I don't think what on the menu so...
And the menu say: "imagine." then i eat imagine so...
make me feel saying "wow i put imagine on my head" and does imagine taste good?

  i imagine it does

05.12.2023 10:39 pm   It's been a while, what's happening

  i can't tell you what's happening, and i trust it will be longer

26.11.2023 12:44 am   Can i hear an early version of hello cashier?

  sure, but i can't promise you'll like it

24.11.2023 10:29 pm   have you ever been bullied?


15.11.2023 9:57 pm   ask again later

  ask what. ask who, and how much later

13.11.2023 3:35 pm   i have an idea. could you make a song about making guesses about things (whether good or bad), and feeling scared about them coming true?

(e.g. what if this die rolls a 6 on the first try? oh no i'm feeling scared)

  sure, that sounds like an idea

09.11.2023 11:05 pm   is the next song gonna have a video?

  i'll get back to you. i need to do some math here,

04.11.2023 2:06 pm   are you struggling with your mental health? do you need help?


03.11.2023 9:58 pm   would you consider exploring different themes and topics in your songs?

  i employ "DIY themes", which is where you decide what the theme is

02.11.2023 11:55 pm   is it weird if i actually relate to your songs

  no, i relate to them as well

30.10.2023 9:24 pm   what are you doing RIGHT NOW

  final vox

28.10.2023 7:41 am   can you say "i saw a cat"

  yes i can

26.10.2023 2:11 am   what's the next song about?

  it's about keeping secrets that people already know anyway

  could you gimme a preview?

  sure, but it isn't the next song

25.10.2023 8:37 pm   tell me a fun fact about the next song

  sure, it uses a patch and sample from street war

24.10.2023 3:48 am   are you from england?


21.10.2023 5:26 am   are you excited about the next song?

  yes i am

22.10.2023 11:46 am   Will the up and down video mention the cubes


22.10.2023 2:21 pm   will there be a music video

  i hope so

21.10.2023 6:29 pm   ice cream

  i'll take some notes

21.10.2023 8:43 am   I HATE YOU

  that makes sense

15.10.2023 7:35 pm   let's collab

14.10.2023 12:13 am   are any people gonna get injured in the up/down video or suffer from any form of humiliation?

  it might feature water

13.10.2023 12:31 am   was that you at the "ding!" part of the chicken on the moon video?

  i believe so

12.10.2023 1:56 am   could you make a christmas themed song for the coming christmas?


10.10.2023 10:41 pm   have you ever made somebody so flippin' angry that it blasted their head off?

  if that were possible, my head would have exploded a long time ago

09.10.2023 8:42 pm   is the up/down video gonna be funny

  it will have it's ups and downs

09.10.2023 6:36 am   can i get a special animation for me?

  right away

08.10.2023 3:35 pm   what about sigmarune? could you make a newgrounds account for sigmarune??

  i wouldn't rule it out

07.10.2023 8:15 pm   can i have a sneak peek at the next song

  sure, i don't see why not

07.10.2023 2:48 am   what do you think about the internet

  could be useful

05.10.2023 10:29 pm   what are you working on now?

  the next song

05.10.2023 1:14 pm   are you bill wertz

  no. thanks for checking

03.10.2023 2:54 pm   can you make a song about a n x i o u s situations

  ah, this is a DIY project. try humming, in an anxious situation

30.09.2023 3:51 pm   what's your favorite tf2 map?

  ghost fort

30.09.2023 6:18 am   how many members are in the team?

  me. so that's about 2000 of members

29.09.2023 3:06 pm   is chicken on the moon the song about going up and down from 14.08.2023 3:57 pm

  no, chicken was finished video/music wise a year ago. it isn't much different from the old version,
  all i did was remix it slightly and update the video. the up and down video is coming, hopefully before the next song

28.09.2023 10:52 pm   you promised that they would blow my socks off! i mean, i brought my popcorn and everything! what happened?

  they are having cooking lessons

27.09.2023 9:19 pm   I have a question about some of the things you used in routine

  that's ok

  What did you use for that main airy plucky thing from the start

  i can't remember the name. it's long and silly and is something to do with memories

  Could you tell me what strings and piano you used in Routine?

  there are multiple pianos in that. i don't even have to open it to tell you one of them is una corda. ok i looked and the other one is noire. also the airy plucky thing is this


26.09.2023 7:11 pm   how many monitors do you HAVE?!!

  3. 2 until i go and buy another one

  what do you use them for?

  using the computer with extra space

26.09.2023 5:19 pm   What is happening right now

  grief. one of my monitors died. on the other hand, i've selected the next song, so that's going into the next phase.

24.09.2023 2:34 pm   how's the team doing right now?


24.09.2023 11:21 am   opinions on antarctica

  too hot

24.09.2023 3:13 am   favorite football (or soccer) team

  i don't have one

23.09.2023 6:11 pm   when's the next song coming?

  probably late october

23.09.2023 1:22 pm   in california can you smoke marijuana?


21.09.2023 8:02 pm   do you have a job


21.09.2023 7:54 pm   You heard of JummBox?

  no, but i have now

  Have you ever tried it?

21.09.2023 2:10 am   can you do a huge crowd with many different voices singing in unison for one of your songs?

  i'll run it by the team

14.09.2023 12:41 am   are you good at writing fictional characters?

  i don't know

  are you good at writing stories?

  i'll write the world, line for line

13.09.2023 7:09 pm   have you considered collabing with other people?

  sure, but that's not something i'm going to pursue any time this century

13.09.2023 6:56 pm   will there be a bigger video for hello cashier?

  no, but i'm planning on posting a few non song videos

10.09.2023 11:35 pm   is "hello cashier" the song about long streets, darkness, despair, jazz brass, secret missions, realization?

if not, could you tell me what the song "hello cashier" is about?

  it's about being completely normal

10.09.2023 4:00 pm   is "hello cashier" ?
or is it something else?

  yes it is. albeit a slightly older clip of it

09.09.2023 4:25 pm   is "hello cashier" gonna include the personification of your train of thought?


07.09.2023 10:16 pm   did you finish the song yet?

  if we're talking about the song i was working on a video for previously (it is called hello cashier - to make up for accidentally lying about finishing it last month), yes, it is finalized. since then i have switched to writing another song, which i will then record, and then i'll probably write and record more, etc, until i decide on one to make a video for. if i've learned anything from this, it's that i will no longer be making promises as the crosshairs of my efforts tend to travel the universe on a whim

01.09.2023 3:45 pm   can you make a sound effect for somebody being hit in the head with a frying pan


01.09.2023 2:39 pm   will the style for orchard phobia songs change forever after the music video?

  i do not conform to specific styles.
  I'm Just Trying To Be Reasonable

30.08.2023 7:19 pm   30.08.2023 7:11 pm why not?

  i have other things to worry about, like content

30.08.2023 7:11 pm   can you make a discord server??

  yes, but no

30.08.2023 6:59 pm   after the music video, will there be music videos for all future songs or only some of them?

  it depends on how much free time my life has left me at the time

28.08.2023 8:53 pm   which will release first: the music video, or a non-song video?

  most likely the non-song video, since the song in the intended song video keeps changing dramatically

29.08.2023 11:44 pm   Have you heard of tracker music?

  yes i have

29.08.2023 12:46 pm   Why?

  i understand

28.08.2023 12:13 pm   sound design?? ooh! what video is that for?

  the next non-song video

  also can you share a sound you made?


27.08.2023 7:49 pm   what are you currently working on now?

  the next music video, sound design and final animation for another video, and final vox for the music in the video mentioned previously

23.08.2023 1:24 am   are you good at roleplaying?

  sure. i'm playing the role of a person with answers

20.08.2023 9:56 pm   Are you the daughter of bill wurtz?

  i'm the same species, if that helps

17.08.2023 10:42 am   Is the BFDI coming for you?

  i'm not sure

14.08.2023 8:11 pm   is the next song gonna be like... a theatre song?

  not the next one

14.08.2023 3:57 pm   what's the thing that's gonna come out in a few days?

  a short video about moving up and down

13.08.2023 7:29 pm   27.06.2023 9:47 pm do you have one from blacklight


13.08.2023 2:53 pm   How many things are you working on

  2 of things. one of the things will be coming out in a few days. it is not the next song video

11.08.2023 7:15 pm   can you gimme a sneak peek of the next song?

  if i gave one to you then i'd have to give one to everybody, which i will, but the quirk is that it will be a sneak peek of the entire song

10.08.2023 12:16 am   is there gonna be a solo in the next song?


10.08.2023 2:41 am   If you had the choice between going out to check the mail, or taking a bite out of a pancake, which would you choose?

  in this day and age, my pancakes are pre-bitten

09.08.2023 9:25 pm   are there gonna be multiple characters singing in the next song?


09.08.2023 11:54 am   is the next song gonna be in the same Orchard Phobia style or is it a different one?

  i'm venturing into the wilderness with this one.
  the wilderness being excessively regular

08.08.2023 7:21 pm   How many letters long is the title of your next song? (excluding the space)


07.08.2023 8:21 pm   what is the next song about

  long streets, darkness, despair, jazz brass, secret missions, realization

04.08.2023 7:05 pm   How many words are in the title of your next song?


04.08.2023 6:48 pm   do you have a cat?

  i have every cat

31.07.2023 10:12 pm   What is the next song called

  it's called "what is the next song called".
  it starts with h

26.07.2023 7:09 pm   Is it the Orchard Phobia Theme Vong?!

  it's the checkout theme song

25.07.2023 9:36 pm   I love you

  i understand

25.07.2023 8:40 pm   it this a alternative universe?

  alternative to what

25.07.2023 1:17 am   do you have any thoughts on the following phrase:

"Squee! Squee!"

  i don't have thoughts

23.07.2023 10:07 pm   How to not get attacked by the -------- ?

  i'll ask the team

22.07.2023 10:34 pm   what goes on in the greenroom? TAXES?!!


22.07.2023 1:58 pm   Is it possible to un-cube somebody?

  they switch spots with the cube, and go to the greenroom where they prepare to blow your socks off. i hope to elaborate on this further

20.07.2023 12:32 pm   What happened to him after the -------- attacked?

  probably went to a water park

18.07.2023 5:27 pm   Ask me anything at all

  were you aware that in electic fence when the people are talking over each other one of them says "that's really cool, man i like pigs"

17.07.2023 2:17 am   It has been a while since the last song,

  i may actually sneak a video in there, before the next song

  are you learning 5d video

  i'm inventing it

16.07.2023 2:48 am   is the next [orchard phobia] song gonna be a hard-hitting banger, at least?

  the strength of the hit is up to you to decide

16.07.2023 12:48 am   will the next [orchard phobia] song have EPIC storytelling?

  unfortunately due to drought there has been a shortage of epic. there will be no epicness at this time

16.07.2023 12:36 am   what is the significance of the text "i can't wait to see the show" on the secrety secret page?

  it's a trick statement, because you actually have to wait to see the show

15.07.2023 4:30 am   Will you make any behind the scenes videos? i think it would be cool


14.07.2023 4:39 am   Is the person singing in the orchard phobia songs a character or are you just bad at singing

  they are sung by a personification of my train of thought.
if you listen hard enough, he/she/none of the above becomes yours

13.07.2023 9:21 pm   how done is the next [orchard phobia] song so far?

  i'm making multiple. most of them are about 9 done points out of 10 done points.

11.07.2023 8:10 pm   What is your next song about?

  it depends on which one i decide is next

09.07.2023 4:10 pm   i'm worried about this. should i pay my taxes


09.07.2023 4:10 pm   are you okay


05.07.2023 11:48 am   02.07.2023 2:10 pm Let me say it clearer. Does the next orchard phobia song have anything to do with taxes?

  i'll ask management and get back to you on that

04.07.2023 10:00 pm   What is the cosine of 5385

  let's be real. what isn't it

02.07.2023 2:10 pm   Does the next (orchard phobia) song have anything to do with... ṭ̵̋a̸̬͌x̸̝̋e̵̛̻s̸̗̉?̴͍͂ *ᵦᵣₑₑₑₑₑ*

  let me make an inquiry

27.06.2023 9:47 pm   I like routine. do you have demo versions of it

  i do. rest assured there are even worse versions

27.06.2023 8:17 pm   Are there gonna be any SECRET CODES in the next song?

  sure. hint: it's the entire song

25.06.2023 9:52 pm   is "i can't wait to see the show" a lyric in the next song?!

  let me check

19.06.2023 3:23 am   have you thought about making a music video?


  when is the next song?

  soon. indubitably close. undeniably near. i'm over the moon.

11.06.2023 2:50 am   opinions on the letter M?

  Many use cases

06.06.2023 9:15 pm   why does the secrety secret link redirect to a rickroll after a few seconds

  aesthetic and feel

30.05.2023 10:16 pm   What is your favorite plugin ?

  in order of least terribleness:
fl patcher
dr octo rex

  You also said there would be a new song last month !

  i did, but the electric video and the next song had vacation days and could not write and produce themselves

30.05.2023 3:19 am   shall we amount to something?

  if it's ok with the council

27.05.2023 9:58 pm   when's the next [orchard phobia] song

  further away than i'd like

27.05.2023 6:31 pm   you... you DO answer every question, right?


26.05.2023 10:42 pm   did I spoil anything too much in the previous two questions

  spoil what

26.05.2023 10:44 pm   Ooh! Ooh! What about converting images to spectrograms? What do you think of that?

  images already are spectrograms if you squint hard enough

26.05.2023 8:47 pm   25.05.2023 11:22 pm
are any of the aforementioned things going to be useful soon?


25.05.2023 11:22 pm   do you know about any of the following:

- caesar ciphers
- atbash ciphers
- ascii ciphers (and their two flavors: hex and octal)
- base64 encodings
- base32 encodings
- morse code
- braille


25.05.2023 8:07 pm   can you enable downloading on Newgrounds?

  i can and i'm pretty sure i did. i only just had the copyright problems solved by none other than tom fulp himself so everything should be up there now.

22.05.2023 10:12 pm   you wanna make a Newgrounds account and upload your songs there?

  i can certainly try.

19.05.2023 1:32 am   kys

  great question. i ran it past google and it wants you to find help

18.05.2023 3:27 pm   How long do you spend on things

  it depends. mostly on the thing

14.05.2023 2:47 am   How's life as a square cube?

  it's, troubling, to say the least

17.04.2023 7:03 pm   why was your website down

  it was lost in a cornfield. i apologize and have added new files to extras to make up for it

02.04.2023 8:26 am   are you trying to be reasonable, and/or sensible?

  i'm just trying to get by. sometimes there's no other choice

25.03.2023 10:06 pm   what's the first letter of the name of the song you're making

  T, but that's for the most likely candidate. I have about 4 at the moment.

19.03.2023 7:48 pm   what's the ETA for the next song?

  this month

  are you working on one now?


02.03.2023 2:53 am   The "hat trick" video is real funny. Was that intended?

  it wasn't exactly not intended

01.03.2023 9:28 am   anything at all

  ah, i understand

28.02.2023 4:45 am   hi


25.02.2023 3:08 pm   how fast can you sing??

  i'm not sure how i would measure that

24.02.2023 1:45 am   does the video "cube talk" have a meaning?


  i think the purple color is the "calm atmosphere", but when the cube talks about the taxes, the random crazy beeping is the sudden shock and the calm atmosphere dissapears.

  i don't think a cube would actually have to do taxes. maybe he was just trying to be relatable

23.02.2023 9:37 pm   was the "hat trick" video a comedy test?

  it was the result of being extremely excited to make a video as quickly as i could. it was uploaded the same day i wrote it.

09.02.2023 6:34 am   How long did you spend on streetwar

  i sketched it out and left it sometime last year and finished it a few weeks ago. the earliest export was in october 2022.

05.02.2023 8:19 pm   At 0:11, was that morse code in your video "cube talk"?

  that's just random crazy beeping

02.02.2023 5:09 pm   your "hat trick" video got me laughing, and laughing, and LAUGHING UNTIL I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS

  i take no responsibility for those who watch my videos at the top of stairs

  now how did THAT happen?

  it would seem that your stairs are not equipped with the latest safety features

01.02.2023 7:18 pm   how is the man stuck under the hat. did he ever escape the hat situation

  there's a whole new world under that hat. he'd prefer to stay put

30.01.2023 11:13 am   gaming

  good for the soul

01.02.2023 6:30 pm   How do you start a song

  i genuinely, truly have no clue

28.01.2023 3:55 pm   can you write the lyrics in brackets in a secret code?

  i already do. cryptographers call it "feelings"

26.01.2023 5:36 pm   can i have permission to use your songs in rhythm games?


26.01.2023 3:57 pm   do you know

  i'm an expert

16.01.2023 5:58 pm   what are the lyrics of your song "blacklight"?

  i've added them here, just for you

05.01.2023 7:16 pm   hi


04.01.2023 1:26 am   are you a

public static void main(String args[]){
//stuff here


  no, i'm a human

04.01.2023 1:24 am   how does this page work? how do you receive the questions on your side? e.g. do you use a discord webbook, mysql, e.t.c.

  one of the above

  also, how can i create a question page like you?


03.01.2023 12:51 am   who are you?

  i have no clue. i hope this answers your question